Patrick Simpson is an early adopter in smart concept housing and Universal Design. Patrick currently works as a consultant with Canadian Barrier Free Design as a Universal design and building specialist. He has been involved in the housing industry for more than 25 years through real estate and development, including market research, land assembly, project management, and design. Now semi-retired Patrick has sat on many boards and committees in the Vancouver area and continues to volunteer with his community.
Chris Hill, Director
Chris Hill, CPA, CMA, is President of BCollective Homes, Board Member of Passive House Canada and an extremely active member of the high-performance buildng community in Vancouver. Chris has over 15 years experience in supply chain management and the construction of homes. His professional accomplishments include: Certified Professional Accountant; Master Residential Builder - CHBA; Bachelor of Arts, Econimcs-UVIC; Certified Passive House Tradesperson; HAVAN - Trailblazer of the Year Award 2021, and a B.C. Housing Registered Builder. BCollective Homes is a Design Build Firm, based in North Vancouver, British Columbia, specializing in custom Passive House homes that are eco-friendly, net zero, and high performance.
Jan Polderman, Director
Jan Polderman is married, and has been a resident of Lytton for 35 years. He went to and graduated from Langara College and BCIT. During his working career, he was self-employed in the forestry industry. During his off time, he has done several home renovations, and became a Red Seal Electrician. During his time in Lytton, he has spent 11 years on the Village Council, with the last 4 years as Mayor of Village of Lytton. After the fire that destroyed Lytton, Jan saw a need for a better building bylaw and the SAFERhome Standards program as a core principle.